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Feel the Ancient Breeze with Nara Fans: A Traditional Craft from Nara

Nara Uchiwa
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Feel the Ancient Breeze with Nara Fa...

Image Source:Ikeda Gankodo official Site

Nara Fans (Nara Uchiwa) are a traditional Japanese craft item that has become immensely popular among foreign tourists visiting Japan. Their origins date back to the Nara period, beginning with handmade “Negi Uchiwa” crafted by the priests of Kasuga Taisha Shrine. This article will explore the history, unique characteristics, production process, and enduring charm of Nara Fans for all those who visit.

1. The History of Nara Fans

The history of Nara Fans dates back to the Nara period. At that time, priests of Kasuga Taisha Shrine hand-crafted “Negi Uchiwa,” which became the prototype of the Nara Fan. Over time, these fans became a symbol of Japanese traditional culture, deeply intertwined with the identity of the region. More than just a tool for creating a breeze, Nara Fans embody the long history and culture of Nara.

2. Unique Characteristics of Nara Fans

One of the most striking features of Nara Fans is their intricate openwork carving and vibrant designs. These designs are inspired by the Yin-Yang and Five Elements principles from Buddhism, giving them both visual beauty and spiritual significance. Unlike ordinary fans, which typically use 20-30 ribs, Nara Fans are constructed with 60-80 or more ribs, allowing them to produce a stronger breeze. This perfect blend of beauty and functionality elevates Nara Fans beyond a practical item to a work of art.

3. The Handmade Production Process

Nara Fans are produced entirely by hand, using only natural materials. The production process includes dyeing washi paper, crafting bamboo ribs, and intricate openwork carving. The openwork, in particular, requires a high level of skill from the artisans, and this labor-intensive process gives Nara Fans their distinctive value. The passion and skill invested by the artisans ensure the high quality of these handmade fans, cementing their status as a traditional craft valued even in today’s modern society.

4. Nara Fans as a Tourism Resource

Nara Fans also play an important role as a tourism resource. For tourists visiting Nara, these fans provide a unique way to experience Japanese culture. Local workshops offer tours and hands-on classes where visitors can experience traditional crafts firsthand and even take part in some of the production steps. Additionally, events such as the “Nara Gastronomy Night Expo” introduce Nara Fans, allowing interactions with the artisans themselves. Through such efforts, Nara Fans help deepen the understanding of regional culture.

5. The Charm and Future of Nara Fans

The allure of Nara Fans lies in their visual beauty, practicality, and the artisanship behind them. But beyond that, Nara Fans are important symbols of regional culture and traditional techniques, preserving these skills across generations. These special handcrafted items from ancient Nara embody the heart and history of the region, sharing their charm with everyone who encounters them.


Nara Fans are much more than everyday items—they are artistic craftworks that symbolize Nara’s rich culture. Their handmade beauty, historical background, and the warmth experienced through hands-on crafting make them a special keepsake for anyone who appreciates Japanese culture. When you visit Nara, be sure to experience the unique charm of Nara Fans for yourself and feel the ancient breeze they bring.


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