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Experience Kyoto’s New Year’s Tradition: A Complete Guide to Hatsumode

Kyoto hatsumode
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Experience Kyoto's New Year's Tradit...

Source : Osaze Cuomo / Shutterstock.com

Hatsumode, the first shrine visit of the New Year, is a deeply rooted tradition in Japanese culture. Every year, millions of people across Japan flock to shrines to pray for good fortune and health in the coming year. Kyoto, with its rich historical and cultural background, offers some of the most picturesque and spiritually significant spots to experience Hatsumode. Whether you’re a traveler planning your visit or simply curious about Japanese traditions, this guide will give you an insight into the magic of Hatsumode in Kyoto.

What is Hatsumode?

Kyoto hatsumode

Hatsumode is the practice of visiting a Shinto shrine at the beginning of the year, typically on January 1st, to pray for blessings and good luck. The tradition dates back to ancient times and is an essential part of Japanese New Year celebrations. People write their wishes on wooden plaques called ema, draw omikuji (fortune slips), and purchase lucky charms. It’s a time for families to come together and start the year with positive intentions.

Top Shrines for Hatsumode in Kyoto

Kyoto is home to numerous shrines, each with its unique charm and significance. Here are some top recommendations for experiencing Hatsumode in Kyoto:

1.Fushimi Inari Taisha

Fushimi Inari Taisha

Famous for its thousands of red torii gates, Fushimi Inari is one of the most iconic shrines in Japan. During Hatsumode, it attracts over a million visitors. The shrine is dedicated to Inari, the deity of rice and agriculture, and offers a mesmerizing setting for your New Year prayers.

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2.Yasaka Shrine

Yasaka Shrine
Source:yu_photo / Shutterstock.com

Located in the Gion district, Yasaka Shrine is another popular spot for Hatsumode. Known for its vibrant festivals and historical significance, this shrine sees a large number of visitors who come to seek protection and prosperity.

3.Heian Shrine

Heian Shrine
Source:yu_photo / Shutterstock.com

With its stunning architecture and vast grounds, Heian Shrine is a beautiful place to visit during Hatsumode. The shrine is dedicated to the spirits of the first and last emperors who ruled from Kyoto, making it a historically rich location to start the new year.

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What to Expect During Hatsumode

Source:yu_photo / Shutterstock.com

Hatsumode is a time of joy and renewal, but it can also be crowded and busy. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Rituals and Customs: Upon arrival, you will see people purifying themselves at the chozuya (water basin) before approaching the main hall. Here, they offer coins, ring the bell, bow twice, clap twice, make their wish, and bow once more. This sequence is a traditional way of showing respect to the deities.
  • Atmosphere: The atmosphere during Hatsumode is vibrant and bustling. Shrines are beautifully decorated, and the air is filled with the scent of incense. Food stalls and vendors selling traditional goods line the paths, adding to the festive ambiance.

Tips for a Successful Hatsumode Visit

To make the most of your Hatsumode experience, consider these tips:

  • Best Times to Visit: The crowds are usually heaviest on January 1st, so if you prefer a quieter visit, try going early in the morning or later in the evening. Visiting on January 2nd or 3rd can also be less crowded.
  • What to Wear and Bring: Dress warmly, as it can be quite cold in January. Comfortable shoes are a must, as you may have to stand in line or walk long distances. Bring some coins for offerings and consider purchasing a fortune slip or charm as a souvenir.
  • Local Customs and Etiquette: Remember to be respectful of the local customs. Follow the proper procedures at the chozuya and main hall, and be mindful of those around you.

Exploring Kyoto Beyond Hatsumode

Kyoto offers a wealth of activities and attractions beyond Hatsumode. Here are a few recommendations:

  • New Year’s Activities: Many temples and shrines hold special events and ceremonies in the first few days of January. The traditional Japanese tea ceremony and various cultural performances are also worth experiencing.
  • Dining and Accommodation: Kyoto is known for its exquisite cuisine. Try some local New Year dishes like osechi ryori or mochi. For accommodation, staying near the popular Hatsumode shrines can enhance your experience. Consider places like the Hyatt Regency Kyoto or a traditional ryokan for a more authentic stay.


Hatsumode in Kyoto is a magical experience that blends tradition, culture, and spirituality. Whether you’re there to pray for good fortune or simply to immerse yourself in the local customs, Kyoto’s shrines provide a perfect setting for welcoming the New Year. Plan your visit and make your New Year’s wishes in this beautiful city.


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