Fall Even More in Love with Japan

About Us

about us

About Us

Basic Information

Operator NameFunfare Co., Ltd.
CEOJunichi Matsubara
Date of EstablishmentMay 2, 2016
Location1-1-3 Umeda, Kita Ward, Osaka, Osaka Prefecture, Japan

Contact Information

・Inquiry Page: https://lala-love-nippon.com/inquiry/
・X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/lalalove_nippon
・Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lalalove.nippon/
・Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558408567556

Team Members

Junichi Matsubara

junichi matsubara

A true Japanese enthusiast who loves everything about Japan. I started the website “La La Love Nippon” to share the best of Japan with the world.

I hope you will come to love Japan as much as I do.

Legal Information

Intellectual Property Information

All content, logos, and other intellectual properties on this website are either owned by La La Love Nippon or licensed appropriately. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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We are committed to protecting your privacy. Information collected from users is handled with the utmost care and security, and is used only in accordance with our privacy policy.

Terms of Use

By accessing and using this website, you agree to be bound by our terms of use. These terms govern your access to and use of the website and its content.

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